Data sgp is information that helps teachers, administrators, and families make informed decisions about student learning. SGP scores describe a student’s growth relative to students with similar prior test scores (their academic peers). Teachers and administrators can use this information to determine whether a student grew more than, less than, or as much as expected. This information can also help them decide what instruction will most benefit their students.

SGP calculations are complex, but results can be communicated in terms familiar to most educators: percentiles. The SGP score for a student indicates how many points the student grew, on a scale from 1-99, over the past two or more assessments. The higher the number, the more a student’s growth was above the typical rate for students with similar prior test scores.

The SGP score for a student may also be compared to other students in the same grade, school, or district. This comparison can help teachers identify which students are struggling and where they need additional support. It can also help them identify high performers who deserve recognition.

All ARM instrument data are transmitted to the ARM Data Center and made freely available via Data Discovery. These data are used by scientists to understand the atmospheric system, including cloud processes and air currents, and by modelers to incorporate these data into large-eddy simulation (LES) models. ARM works closely with full community databases like Genbank and EarthChem to ensure that our data are easily accessible.

While research consortia and full community databases have different goals, both strive to make a wide variety of data available. Both are designed to address research questions that are of direct interest to researchers, and both provide incentives for researchers to contribute their data. Research consortia, however, are focused on making data widely available and usable to the broadest community of users, whereas full community databases are primarily intended for long term storage and archiving.

The sgpdata package, installed when one installs the SGP software, includes an exemplar WIDE format data set sgpData and a LONG format data set sgptData_LONG. The sgpData_LONG data set includes a number of variables that are used in the SGP calculations. The required variables are VALID_CASE, YEAR, CONTENT_AREA, ID, SCALE_SCORE, GRADE and ACHIEVEMENT_LEVEL (required if running student growth projections). The rest of the variables are demographic/student categorization characteristics.

It has been shown that viruses from the EBOV and SUDV genus produce sGP at lower levels than BDBV, suggesting that sGP plays a significant role in Ebolavirus pathogenesis. However, the fact that marburgviruses do not produce sGP suggests that this protein is not essential for pathogenesis or that marburgviruses possess another mechanism to fulfil its function. Whether these alternative mechanisms are sufficient to induce the severe disease seen in marburgvirus infections remains to be determined. Until this is resolved, the sgp gene will remain an important target for vaccine development.

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