Data sgp is a package that provides 4 examplar data sets for use with student growth percentile (SGP) analyses. The first, sgpData, specifies the format for data used with the lower level SGP functions studentGrowthPercentiles and studentGrowthProjections. The other two, sgpData_LONG and sgptData_LONG, specify the format for data used with higher level SGP functions like abcSGP, prepareSGP, and analyzeSGP.

sgpdata is an exemplar SGP data set that contains 5 years of annual, vertically scaled assessment data in WIDE format. The first column of sgpData, ID, provides the unique student identifier and the next five columns provide the grades and associated scale scores for each assessment occurrence over the 5 year period.

The purpose of SGP is to compare a student’s performance to that of their academic peers across the state, who have similar achievement histories on Star assessments. This allows educators to identify students that may need additional support to make progress in a grade. It also provides a snapshot of how many students are likely to achieve a high SGP in the current year if they have a similar trajectory of growth to their peers.

Currently, SGP is only available for certain English language arts and mathematics grades that have historical test score data. To use SGP with these grades, teachers must have an SIS account with the required data and the ability to view student progress in the online Student Growth Report. If an educator does not have access to the required data, they can submit a request for SGP to be calculated using an alternate dataset.

The Southern Great Plains atmospheric observatory (SGP) is a field measurement site operated by the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement user facility at the University of Colorado Boulder. Located on 160 acres of cattle pasture and wheat fields, the SGP site includes a heavily instrumented Central Facility southeast of Lamont and smaller, unmanned facilities throughout the site. Researchers at the SGP site collect high-quality atmospheric observation data, perform multi-observation process studies, and use the results for Earth system model assimilation.

Unlike other ARM field measurement sites, SGP does not primarily target specific research questions. Rather, the primary goal of the SGP is to assemble or generate multi-proxy sedimentary geochemical data from paleo-environmental intervals spanning the Neoproterozoic through Paleozoic epochs. The compilation and generation of the SGP geochemical database has been a major effort that includes a wide variety of scientific disciplines. The SGP has also been involved in the development of various tools for the analysis of these new geochemical data. These tools include a set of automated scripts that facilitate the analysis of large datasets. Additionally, the SGP has worked closely with scientists in the region to support a variety of collaborative research projects. The SGP will ultimately migrate its collection of data to permanent data repositories. This is important for ensuring that researchers can continue to utilize the SGP for future Earth history research. To learn more about the SGP, visit its website.

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