Domino is a game where players place small, flat blocks on a line and then try to knock them over. Each domino has one or more pips, which are dots that represent numbers. A set of dominoes consists of 28 pieces that can be arranged in different ways to form lines and shapes. The first domino to fall starts a chain reaction that affects all the other ones in the same row. These chain reactions are referred to as the Domino Effect and they can have some real-world applications, including in business.
When Hevesh knocks over a domino setup, it converts to kinetic energy, the energy of motion (see Converting Energy). This energy is transmitted from domino to domino and then from one piece to another until all of them are knocked down. When a domino falls, it also releases its potential energy into heat and sound. The sound is created by friction between the top of the domino and the surface it is resting on. The heat is produced by the friction between the domino and its neighbors as it moves.
Physicist Loren Whitehead has demonstrated that a single domino can knock over objects about one-and-a-half times its own size. This is called the Domino Effect and it can help explain how some things work in nature. Hevesh’s mind-blowing creations are a good example of the Domino Effect.
Many people have interpreted the domino theory to be a metaphor for a military strategy in Latin America during the 1970s, in which the United States destabilized communist and socialist governments that might otherwise have gained power throughout the region. However, this interpretation has been widely rejected. In fact, Richard Nixon’s defense of the United States’ efforts to destabilize the Allende regime in Chile is often used to support this theory.
The term domino can also refer to:
a game played with a series of small oblong blocks, each marked on both sides with 0-6 pips or dots; a set of 28 dominoes forms a complete set. It can also be a general term for the action of putting down a domino, or for any of the many games played with these dominoes. In an earlier sense, the word also referred to a large hooded cloak with a mask covering the head, worn by masked performers at carnival season or masquerades. It is believed that the origin of both the game and the word are based on Latin, with domino meaning “lord, master.”